(905) 484-4642
Chair, GMIC Board of Directors; Past President, PGA of Canada
President, Delta 6 Consulting, Past Executive Director, CGSA
Founder and President, Golf Management Institute of Canada
Founder, Ian Scott & Associates Golf Services (Golf Services Advisors)
B.A.; Chief Operating Officer & Partner, Crowe Soberman LLP
J.D., C.A.I.A., LL.B.; President, Westcourt Capital
C.P.A.; Principal, Examinations and International Assessment, CPA Canada
General Manager, The National Golf Club of Canada
Past Executive Director, Canadian Golf Industry Association
P.Eng., M.B.A.; Past President, Mohawk College, Partner, Mirus Consultants
Chief Executive Officer, PGA of Canada
C.P.A., M.B.A.; President & Principal, Global Golf Advisors
M.A.; Executive Director, Burnside Golf Services